Privacy Policy

Update :  26/07/2023

The purpose of this privacy policy is to inform you about the way we process and use the personal information that you provide to us and that can identify you.

This policy covers the various processing operations carried out by Hellrens:

  • When you browse the Website;
  • As part of the management of contractual relations with customers;
  • In order to offer personalized sales services;
  • As part of your request for duty-free sales on the price of products purchased ;
  • To send information about Hellrens creations, products, private sales, events and similar initiatives organized by Hellrens;
  • As part of measures to protect property and persons;
  • For prospecting purposes based on statistics and profiles established by means of segmentation.

All personal data protection terms used in this policy and identified by capital letters, used in the singular or plural, shall be interpreted in accordance with the GDPR.

We use the following terms in this Privacy Policy :

Applicable regulations: General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (“GDPR”) and Law n°78-17 of 6 January 1978 as amended (“Loi informatique et libertés”) as well as all the texts arising from it.

Personal Data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (hereinafter referred to as “Data Subject”).

Data subject: any identified or identifiable natural person whose Personal Data is processed by the Data Controller. For example, when you browse our Website or access our services, you are a Data Subject.

Processing: any operation or set of operations which may or may not be performed upon personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.

Data Controller: the natural or legal person, public authority, department or other body which, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing. For example, when you browse our Website or access our services, your data is processed by Hellrens as the Data Controller.

Data Processor: the natural or legal person, public authority, department or other body that processes Personal Data on behalf of the Data Controller.

Recipient: the natural or legal person, public authority, department or other body that receives Personal Data from us, whether or not it is a third party to Hellrens.

Website : refers to the Hellrens website accessible from


The Data Controller in charge of processing your personal data is the company: Hellrens,


When you browse the Website and access our services in store, Hellrens may collect the following information:

When you contact us by phone, by mail or e-mail, or through a contact form through the Website, or when you visit a store via a digital form : we collect all the personal data that we need to perform our services, such as your name, first name, postal or e-mail address, telephone number, etc., as well as any information you provide in the context of your contact request and, if applicable, the content of the message, as well as any information communicated subsequently during your exchanges with Hellrens.

During a visit to the store and/or a transaction, we may collect the following data first name, last name, home and/or work address, email address, telephone number, bank account number or credit card number in the case of an online or remote purchase, date of birth, age range, dates of family events, occupation, hobbies, purchases, use of specific social networks, nationality, passport number, gender, language, preferred product categories, details of products purchased, size, price, discount rate the customer is receiving or has received, statistics on spending rates, abandoned shopping carts, events the customer has attended, products selected for purchase but not actually purchased. This list is subject to change.

When you apply spontaneously on the Website or in response to a job offer: we collect your name, first name, contact information, as well as all the personal data for recruitment purposes (curriculum vitae, level of education, skills, languages spoken, hobbies, etc.).

In addition, some stores are equipped with video surveillance systems that record images of people. The video surveillance systems are indicated by posters specifically dedicated to informing the public.

Hellrens ensures that the collection of your Personal Data is relevant, adequate, not excessive and strictly necessary for its activities.

You are informed that certain information is essential to benefit from our services (for example, when you fill out a collection form, this information is indicated by an asterisk). If you do not provide this information, we will not be able to provide you with the services concerned.


We process personal data in the context of the services offered by Hellrens for the purposes listed below.

– As part of the management of relations with customers: management of sales and after-sales service, management of shipping, management of billing, management of promotional events.

This Processing is based on the execution of the contract signed with Hellrens.

– In order to offer personalized sales services, including personal shopper service, free assistance service and courtesy service; for sending by postal mail, email, sms and mms, social networks and instant messaging information related to Hellrens creations, private sales, events and similar initiatives organized by Hellrens or in which Hellrens participates, including possible invitations to events. This Processing is based on your consent.

– For  store video surveillance.

This processing is based on the legitimate interest of Hellrens to ensure the protection of property and persons.

– As part of your duty-free sales request, in order to obtain exemption from value-added tax (VAT) on the price of the products purchased. This processing is based on a legal obligation.

– For marketing purposes on the basis of statistical analysis and profiling, via services provided by reliable and selected third-party providers. This processing is always based on your consent. You may, in any case, object to receiving commercial prospecting from us.

– The realization of statistics or surveys. These are carried out from anonymous data allowing us to improve the knowledge of our activities and our customers. In this context, the legal basis of the processing is the legitimate interest of Hellrens to better know its customers.

– The improvement of our Website and the adaptation of its content to meet the needs of users. This processing is based on our legitimate interest to offer you a fluid navigation on our Website.


Hellrens retains your personal data for the time necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed. It will also be kept in order to meet a legal obligation of conservation (e.g., billing) or if it has an administrative interest for Hellrens (e.g., management of a possible dispute).

For example, the following retention periods are applied by Hellrens:

When you consent to receive information about Hellrens creations or events by e-mail, we keep your Personal Data for 3 years after the last contact from you or until you object to the processing or click on the unsubscribe link or exercise your right to erasure.

When you are a “customer” (i.e., if you have already purchased a Hellrens product): for 5 years since your last purchase, this period will be renewed each time you make a new purchase of a Hellrens product then 5 years in intermediate archiving.

When you subscribe to our services such as special orders, care and services, etc…, your Personal Data is kept for the duration of the contract with Hellrens and then, upon termination, for a period equal to the applicable statute of limitations in order to meet our legitimate interest in ensuring the protection and defense of our rights in the event of litigation.

When you submit your application for a job offer at Hellrens, your Personal Data is kept for the time necessary to study your application. If your application is rejected, your data is deleted after a period of two years following the decision of rejection in order to be able to contact you again if necessary, unless you object. In the event of recruitment, your Personal Data is retained for the duration of your employment contract.


Your Personal Data are intended for use by Hellrens and is only accessible by our employees authorized to manage it, according to the purposes of the collection and within the limits of their respective responsibilities.

As an exception, your Personal Data may be communicated to third parties at Hellrens when we use technical service providers who act on our behalf and according to our instructions (server hosting, delivery services, communication agencies, marketing agencies, cash management solution, e-shop provider).

These service providers are authorized to process your Personal Data only to the extent necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements.

Under no circumstances will your Personal Data be shared with Hellrens‘ business partners without your consent.

Hellrens may also disclose your Personal Data to third parties when such disclosure is required by law, regulation or court order, or if such disclosure is necessary to protect and defend our rights.


Your Data is processed in France by Hellrens. However, we may communicate with other Hellrens entities located abroad, we may rely on certain service providers, which are located abroad or which themselves rely on processors located abroad, including outside of the European Economic Area (EEA) in countries where personal data protection laws differ from those that apply in the EEA.

If a transfer of Personal data outside the European Economic Area is considered, Hellrens shall perform the transfer in accordance with the Applicable regulations and, if necessary, to provide appropriate security guarantees to ensure an adequate level of data protection. We will provide you with a copy of the applicable guarantees upon request.


Hellrens is committed to protect your Personal Data against loss, destruction, alteration, unauthorized access or disclosure. To this purpose, Hellrens implements appropriate technical and organizational measures, in light of the nature of the data and the risks involved in processing them, to preserve the security and confidentiality of your Personal Data.

These measures may include practices such as limited access to Personal Data by Hellrens employees, physical and/or logical security measures (secure access, authentication process, backups, anti-virus software, firewalls, etc.), contractual guarantees in the event of recourse to an external service provider, regular reviews of practices, application of security procedures and the effectiveness of Hellrens‘ information system security measures.


In accordance with the Applicable regulations in force, you have the right :

OF ACCESS: i.e., the right to obtain from Hellrens confirmation as to whether or not Personal Data concerning you are being processed and to obtain a copy of such data.

TO RECTIFICATION: i.e., the right to obtain, as soon as possible, the rectification of Personal Data concerning you that are inaccurate.

TO ERASURE: the right to obtain from Hellrens the erasure, as soon as possible, of Personal Data concerning you when one of the reasons referred to in Article 17 of the GDPR applies.

TO RESTRICTION OF PROCESSING: i.e. the right to obtain from Hellrens that it no longer processes your Personal Data for a specified period of time according to the reason invoked for the limitation as referred to in Article 18 of the GDPR.

TO DATA PORTABILITY : i.e. the right to receive the Personal Data about you that you have provided to Hellrens, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format as well as the right to transmit such data to another data controller as referred to in Article 20 of the GDPR.

TO OBJECT : the right to request that Hellrens no longer processes your personal data, when the legal basis is its legitimate interest as referred to in Article 21 of the GDPR, for a reason related to your particular situation, or without a reason in the case of commercial prospecting.

NOT TO BE SUBJECT TO A DECISION BASED SOLELY ON AUTOMATED PROCESSING : that is, the right not to be subject to a decision based exclusively on automated processing, including profiling, producing legal effects concerning you or significantly affecting you in a similar manner as referred to in Article 22 of the GDPR.

TO WITHDRAW YOUR CONSENT: i.e., the right to withdraw your consent to the processing of your Personal Data by Hellrens, at any time.

You can exercise these rights or ask any question relating to the management of your personal data by Hellrens by contacting :

By e-mail at the following address:

In case of reasonable doubt about the identity of the applicant, proof of identity may be requested.

You also have the right to complain to the French supervisory authority, “Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés” (“CNIL”), 3 Place de Fontenoy – TSA 80715 – 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07, about the manner in which Hellrens collects and processes your data.


This policy may change from time to time. The date of the last update appears at the top of the policy. We invite you to consult it regularly.


If you visit and use our Website or boutiques or otherwise interact with business operations in the territory of the United States of America, or if you are purchasing Hellrens products via our website to be shipped to the United States of America, we invite you to read the following information.

This Amendment otherwise supplements the Hellrens Privacy Policy and includes references to it in various sections. 

Under this Amendment, Personal Information is information that identifies, relates to, describes, or could reasonably be linked directly or indirectly to you collected by Hellrens from individuals who visit:

  • Hellrens’s U.S. boutiques ;
  • Attend events hosted by Hellrens in the U.S.
  • Hellrens Website accessible at :


Hellrens shares Personal Information with Data Recipients described in Section 6 of the Hellrens Privacy Policy for the purposes listed in Section 4 “ Purposes and legal for processing your data”. The categories of Personal Information shared for those purposes are those listed in the “Collection of your personal data” in Section 3 of the Hellrens Privacy Policy.

California residents have the right under the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) to opt out of the “sale” of their personal information. Hellrens does not “sell” your Personal Information. However, the meaning of “sale” under the CCPA is broad and may include certain routine business practices, including some that involve the use of website cookies.

You can disable cookies through your web browser and opt out of certain types of cookie-based sharing by visiting our Cookie Consent Manager, which you can also access on our homepage cookie banner. You can learn more about the cookies we use in this Cookie Policy.


Online advertising networks and similar companies that collect information through cookies, Web beacons, and similar tools over time and across different websites and use the information they collect to provide ad measurement services and to tailor ads to users’ interests on third party websites. You may have the opportunity to control the use of cookies through your web browser, we do not otherwise currently respond to web browser “do not track” signals GPC or other mechanisms. If there is any modification, we will describe how we do so in this Privacy Policy.


Under some U.S. state or federal laws, you may also exercise certain rights.

Marketing Communications. You may choose to stop receiving our newsletter or marketing emails by following the unsubscribe instructions included in these emails or contacting us at

Exercising your rights. Some consumers may have additional rights with respect to their Personal Information under applicable law, such as:

  • Right to disclosure. You may be entitled to receive information regarding the categories of Personal Information we collected, the sources from which we collected Personal Information, the purposes for which we collected and shared Personal Information, the categories of Personal Information that we sold and the categories of third parties to whom the Personal Information was sold, and the categories of Personal Information that we disclosed for a business purpose in the 12 months preceding your request.
  • Right to opt-out of sales of Personal Information to third parties. You have the right to opt out of sales of your Personal Information, as defined under California privacy law. We do not engage in such sales, but you can opt out of other types of sharing.

Please note that these rights may be limited under applicable laws. For example, we may need to retain certain Personal Information for business purposes, to complete transactions you have requested, to comply with our legal obligations, or for other purposes as required or permitted by applicable law.

If you wish to exercise your rights under applicable law, please contact us at via by or [webform] or [Phone number : +61 432690477].

Please note that we may require additional information from you in order to verify your identity and process your request. Hellrens will not discriminate against you because you exercise any of the consumer rights described in this section. You may also submit a request via an authorized agent using the email address or phone number above.


Under California’s “Shine the Light” law, California residents who provide Personal Information to us in obtaining products or services for personal, family or household use are entitled to request and obtain from us once a calendar year information about the customer information that we disclosed, if any, to other businesses for their own marketing purposes in the immediately prior calendar year. This request may be sent electronically by email or by phone at [Phone number].

We will respond to these requests within 45 calendar days and notify you in case of extension of the deadline.

Written requests may be sent to [Hellrens INC]. Requests for this information that come to us through other channels may result in a delayed response. Please be aware that not all information sharing is covered by the “Shine the Light” requirements and only information on covered sharing will be included in our response.


The Website is not directed to children, and we do not collect or maintain any Personal Information from children under the age of 13 years.  


We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to modify, alter or otherwise update this policy at any time.


Hellrens (hereinafter referred to as “We”, “Hellrens”) will process your personal information based on the following purposes and will protect your rights as the subject of personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China. This Terms is an integral part of the Privacy Policy and Personal Data Protection. For the information in addition to this Terms, please visit and read our Privacy Policy.

  • Collection and Usage of Personal Information

In case you wish to subscribe to our newsletter, we will collect the email address you provide to us and other information you provide actively. If you wish to cancel the subscription, please send email to this address:

  • Sharing of Personal Information

Hellrens may sometimes work with third parties to provide services or products and may also share your personal information with others in accordance with your instructions or with your consent. We will have a written agreement with aforesaid companies on the purpose, period and methods of the processing, the types of personal information, protection measures and the rights and obligations of both parties. 

  • Cross-Border Transmission of Personal Information

We need to provide your personal information to the related entities for ensuring the consistency of global business strategies, service standards and network systems, etc. We will follow the necessary procedure in accordance with law and take necessary measures to ensure that the recipient meets the protection standards required by the applicable laws and regulations. You may contact us via the contact information disclosed in this Terms at any time to obtain the specific name, contact information and other information of these entities.

If explicitly required by the applicable law, we will take safe assessments, certifications, or sign standard contracts for the global transmission of personal information. And we will determine whether to continue the global transmission of your personal information and whether to take technical measure to separate the sensitive information in accordance with the applicable law.

  • Management of Your Personal Information

You are entitled to know, to access, to correct and to restrict the processing of your personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China. You are also entitled to copy, transfer and delete personal information subject to statutory conditions. Besides, you have the right to request us to explain the rules of this Terms.

We will process the request in accordance with this Terms, laws and regulations. We may require you, based on the need of further verification of facts and circumstances, to provide more information, certification or explanatory materials in accordance with the law. We will provide you the relevant services in accordance with the law after the verification, unless otherwise agreed by laws or regulations and this Terms.

  • Protection of Children’s Personal Information

Our products or services, and the corresponding websites, are not aimed at children (referring to minors under the age of 14 in Mainland China). If you are a child, please do not provide us any of your personal information.

We will delete the relevant data in accordance with law if we find that we have collected the personal information of a child without obtaining the consent of a verifiable guardian of that child in advance.

Contact us

Tel: +61 432690477

Address:Unit 3/11 Brock St Euroa VIC 3666

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